How Long Will My Social Security Disability Payments Last?

Serving Families Throughout Norristown
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After being approved for Social Security disability (SSD), you may breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing that you will have a source of income to pay your bills while you are unable to work. However, one worry that may pop into your head is how long these payments will last—that is, whether they will be discontinued at some point in time or last indefinitely.

How Long Will My Social Security Disability Payments Last?

Each Social Security disability case is unique, and ultimately there are several factors that will determine how long your payments will last. In general, you should receive disability benefits as long as you need them, and they will only typically stop if:

  • You Reach Retirement Age. Once you reach the set retirement age of 65, you will no longer receive Social Security disability benefits; instead, you will receive Social Security retirement benefits.
  • You Are No Longer Disabled. If your condition improves or changes to the point where you are not considered severely or debilitatingly disabled, then you may be expected to be able to work and your benefits may end.
  • You Earn Too Much Money. There are set limits on the amount of income that you can make in order to remain eligible for Social Security disability benefits.

Determining Whether Your Condition Will Improve

As we discussed above, one of the factors that will determine how long your benefits will last has to do with the progress of your medical condition. When you file for Social Security disability, your case will be put into one of three categories:

  • Medical Improvement Expected (MIE). This means your condition is expected to improve and you will receive an eligibility review in six to eighteen months.
  • Medical Improvement Possible (MIP). This means that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has determined that your condition may improve, however, it’s not likely; in this case, you will receive an eligibility review in two to five years.
  • Medical Improvement Not Expected (MINE). This means that the SSA has determined your condition is not expected to improve and you will receive eligibility reviews every five to seven years.

Helping You Keep Your Benefits in Effect

Again, there really is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to receiving disability benefits. As a result, it’s imperative that you contact an experienced Social Security disability attorney to discuss your unique case free of charge. At Rubin & Badame, Attorneys at Law, P.C., we will develop a personalized legal strategy on your behalf so you receive benefits for as long as possible.

Contact our firm at (610) 595-4917 to get started with your case! Initial consultations are always free.